Hello everyone. First of all, thank you so much because without knowing it, you have been helping me during the last months from afar (Spain).
My dad was unfortunately diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in August 2021. His Gleason score was 4+5, that indicating aggressive cancer. That was a really tough time for me and my family but radiotherapy and hormonal treatment went very well (or at least that's what I thought).
On June this year, my father started to feel ache in his spine and had difficulty making some moves. He visited the hospital several times, but radiographers didn't show any lessions until his oncologist tested again his PSA (which rose to 2.46) and ordered a gammagraphy. This time they could assessed the existence of bone damage produced by metastases. The report also tells about some small nodules in the liver and left lung, although the oncologist told my parents to not worry about. However, they are suspicious for more metastases as the clinical category of my father is CPRC M1c (Prostate Cancer Resistant to Castration with metastases both in bones and viscera). He is currently on hormonal treatment and started taking enzalutamide. He has also been offered to participate in clinical trials as well as to make him a genetic profile.
I searched on the Internet (bad idea I know) and I realised that the life expectancy for my dad during the next 5 years is really low. I had hope for a while but now I am devastated.