Hi Vicky,
The good news is the psa being <0.01. That it's <0.01 is a better signal than <0.05 which is what many people are tested to. Particularly for someone who might be worried about their pathology,
No doubt the T3b is a nag but it's starting from the best place psa wise.
The Gleason change is also a nag but 4+3 is still in the lower band of risk factors.
It's a surprise they give you a telehone appointment for the first consultation after the op. I had face to face for 2 years, although it was 7 years ago. Also psa tests every 3 months is normal for at least a year for everyone, as you probably know.
I still clearly recall the first words of my first appointment, which were 'There's good news and bad news, your psa is undetectable, your margins are clear, but your Gleason is upgraded to 4+4'. I regard it as a benefit to be aware after a proper on the bench test.
I think I'd want to know why it's T3b and ask for a copy of the pathology report. Most people on this forum do, although I admit that I didn't and keep meaning to, but so far haven't got round to it. Largely as I feel it might give me more to worry about.
Best Regards Peter
Edited by member 05 Sep 2023 at 12:03
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