Measurement attempt planning ct scan just the same, but acceptance criteria tighter. ( in Plymouth). Also I believe not everywhere possesses the more accurate machine needed.
So the more rigorous full at the front, empty at the back requirement for SABR (5 day, rather than 20 day) measurement scan personally I never managed to achieve, despite having to return on 4 separate occasions. I believe the 5 day SABR is higher daily dose, more accurate, more powerful multi beam delivery, that needs you and your organs to be absolutely accurately positioned to guarantee not hitting the wrong spots. Apparently the standard 20 day RT in Uk positioning standard is slightly less rigorous, and therefore less stressful. I found the right configuration very difficult to achieve front and back, and pretty stressful for some reason - possibly previous medical history?
I don’t think everyone’s post biopsy outcome is suitable for the SABR route, perhaps just a few? Mine was. When I was told I was heading for 5 days RT I was pretty happy, I was expecting 20, but a suspect I’ve had a better (and more expensive) outcome in the end. 2 more RT days to go, then happy to end HT pills also, just final jab in couple of months.
Think I’ve seen in uk standard until now has been 20 days, but in USA standard is 40 days?