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Help shape the new national prostate brachytherapy consent form

Posted 04 Oct 2023 at 11:57

The Royal College of Radiologists, the professional body responsible for the specialties of clinical oncology and clinical radiology, wants to work with people with experience of prostate cancer to develop a new consent form for patients.

The RCR has developed a range of national site-specific radiotherapy consent forms to ensure people commencing radiotherapy fully understand their treatment. This work aims to improve patient care by reducing variation in what patients consent to.

Each form has been reviewed by patients to help ensure the style and language of the consent forms are clear and informative for patients.

The RCR is developing a prostate brachytherapy consent form and is inviting people with experience of prostate cancer – ideally prostate brachytherapy / radiotherapy - who would be interested and willing to volunteer their time to help shape the new national prostate brachytherapy consent form.

 What is involved:

  • The person volunteering would be sent a draft version of the form usually a week before the patient group meeting.
  • A patient group meeting will be held online (on MS Teams) for between 45mins and 1 hour to run through the draft form and gather feedback.
  • We are currently looking at holding this patient group meeting in late October / November.
  • This is a voluntary role

 If you are interested, please contact, Sarah Griffin, Professional Standards Projects Officer at the Royal College of Radiologists on Sarah_Griffin@rcr.ac.uk




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