Dad was diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer in March 2023. T3a N0 M0. His PSA was 20.
He started hormone therapy in the March with courses of injections - he’s had three injections, with the third being most recent. PSA in July was 3.2. In September this jumped up slightly to 4.9. They did another test at the beginning of October and PSA has dropped slightly to 4.1.
Dad had his third injection today and ahead of the radiotherapy, which is booked w/c 16th October, they would like to do another PSA test and testosterone test to understand the fluctuations in his PSA scores. One of the nurses said to him last week, when he had his most recent PSA test, that they require his PSA to be lower than 1, but the radiologist confirmed they’re still happy to go ahead with the treatment.
Just looking for reassurances or similar experiences. Is it normal for PSA to fluctuate while on hormone treatment with courses of injections. Has anyone else had issues with getting PSA below 1 for radiotherapy? Is it a concern if it’s higher than 1?
thanks so much for the advice, really appreciate it,
Abigail x