I'm 48-years old, with no history of prior illness.
My PSA jumped (doubled) from 0.75 (in August 2022) to 1.53 (in August 2023).
DRE (in August 2023) was normal: smooth, no nodules, no pain felt when doctor pressed on prostate to check for infection. Though I didn't have any pain or symptoms, the doctor noticed my prostate size has significantly increased during 12-months period, so he decided to put me on Doxycycline 100mg for 4-weeks, and recheck PSA after 5-weeks; ie, October 2023 my PSA came back 1.12 and %FreePSA was 33%.
I have a couple-of-questions to this group of experts:
First, was PSA drop from 1.53 to 1.12 significant enough to rule that prostatitis was the culprit? Is it fair to say prostate responded well to the antibiotic treatment? I ask because I'm still higher from my last year's baseline 0.75.
Second, has there been cases of finding prostate cancer at PSA 1.12?
Any input from you is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Thank you again.