I'm a 74 year old man. Had an MRI and fusuon biopsy in 2018. Results negative. Have had regular PSA tests and MRIs since (annually). PSA levels are elevated but MRI results consistently show no evidence on cancer despite elevated PSA levels. My PSA level at the time of my biopsy was 8. Since then it has been lower (down to 4.5) as I have been taking finasteride. 6 monts ago, I stopped taking finasteride on the recommendation of my urologist and the PSA level has gone up again to 8 (the level it was at when I had by biopsy in 2018). I have mostly been treated by a uroloist in Canada where I have been living. Now resident back in the UK, my urologist here is taking a more aressive approach and advocating a biopsy under GA. Throughs from members will be very welcome. As you see, I have two urologists takinng rather different aoproaches to my care. If I opt for a biopsy, can I insist on a local anaesthetic rather than a general?