Thanks for that Derek, I guess my post would have been better placed in that area.
I notice some mentioning tendon shortening and that is definitely how I would describe some of my symptoms. Across the knuckles of my left hand I can get an alarming feeling of my skin/tendon not being loose enough to allow me to bend my wrist fully, it suddenly "pulls" and feels like next time it might snap. Every day my feet swell up from sitting at my desk (as I still work at home) which is most likely related to my blood pressure tablets, but it is much worse since my PC treatment started.
I saw your reference to side effects of Zoladex compared to just not having testosterone, and I can say after 7 months on Zoladex and then 4 months of having hollow marbles, my issues have gotten worse overall. It is always hard to separate all the treatments since they overlap, and one doctor said it takes up to a year for Zoladex to go from your system fully. My unscientific take on it is I'm just suffering from a year of no testosterone, and since for aPC we don't usually stop that treatment I don't see that getting any better.
I feel like I should report all of this to my GP but I don't want to moan about side effects that are expected, but also I need the NHS to know about my issues. I called the DWP today about PIP as I feel like I'm getting to the point that I could qualify for government help (and I won't feel bad about it since I will loose all my state pension I fully paid up for since I will die well before pension age). I feel I should probably suffer in silence since I can't see what the GP can do to help.
I'm very interested to find out my post-treatment PSA levels on the 20th (new baseline). I read somewhere that if you jump up over 4 in PSA level between checkups that's pretty much the signal the cancer has become castration resistant. Since I started at 990 PSA on diagnosis and had several bones affected, I think I was fairly heavily burdened from the start.