Ideal Lubrication for Couples
After surgery or other treatments, because men's penises don't have natural lubrication, penetrative sex is difficult for the men and their wives/partners. Most men use water-based lubricant such as KY jelly which is rather messy and interferes with the natural progression from foreplay to penetrative sex.
There is a particular type of vaginal lubricant which my wife uses. It comes in an individual, one time use, small toothpaste-type tube, which she uses to insert the lubricant into her vagina. This is a plant-based product which is organic and ideal for women with sensitive vaginas. When I used to apply KY-type lubricant to my penis I had to use sufficient for my wife's comfort but too slippery for me, or just enough for me but not sufficient for her and it was messy. But now she can control the amount of lubricant she uses and by trial and error she has found the right quantity to transfer from the one-time use tube to her vagina for her comfort and providing me with sufficient friction for my penis. The product is marketed at It has made our sex life more pleasurable and not messy! - try it.
Edited by member 11 Nov 2023 at 17:36
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