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Fast track help needed

Posted 18 Nov 2023 at 18:28


My father in law was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago now. In Feb we found out it was terminal. Over the past 8 weeks he has declined quite significantly. He now has cord compression and has no mobility - can’t even hold his own weight on a rotunda. He is also incontinent. He was admitted to hospital 3 weeks ago and discharged yesterday with no care package in place. He’s in quite a lot of pain.


Nobody is helping and I don’t know where to turn. His oncologist was happy to put a fast track form in for care but it has been declined. 

We aren’t coping and don’t feel we have the skills to care for him safely. 

Has anyone been in a similar situation? 
The district nurse has said to get him readmitted but we know hospital isn’t the right place for him and he’d just be bed-blocking. He needs to be at home with carers in place. 

Surely he’s entitled to some form of help?

Posted 22 Nov 2023 at 18:05

I’m so pleased you got the support that your father in law obviously needs. That’s a shocking way to treat anyone and it must be so distressing for him, you and all the family. Sometimes you have to fight for what you would think should be standard practice. Have you thought about speaking to your local MP?


Posted 22 Nov 2023 at 15:19

Further update…


They approved the fast track funding! 

We rang the emergency community nursing team and they sorted everything. I honestly can’t thank them enough. 

They came out and assessed him, sorted his bedsores, put in requests for extra equipment that was missing and sorted emergency medication. 

We have put in a complaint to the hospital and the nurse has also put in a complaint for an unsafe discharge. 

He slept properly for the first time in 3 weeks last night. 

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Posted 18 Nov 2023 at 22:56
Is this in the uk?

My dad was terminal and placed on a pathway that gave him the choice of care at home or in a nursing home as he had less than 12 weeks to live.

I can only suggest you contact GP and adult social care and explain you can’t meet his needs. How awful he was discharged like this you must be at your wits end.

Sadly readmission may be your only option, in order to get a safe discharge.

Posted 18 Nov 2023 at 23:02

I'm so sorry to hear where you find yourselves. 

I'm no expert and can only speak from experience of my own dad's care.

I am surprised they discharged him with no care package in place, that doesn't sound OK. I would find out why the care was refused.

I would contact Marie Curie and they should be able to offer you advice and support. They may also be able to point you in the right direction.

In the meantime if you are able to pay yourselves for some interim help, even just to give you a short break that would be a good idea. We had to this short term as the system just failed to act fast enough.

I would also contact hus GP and council.

Wishing you all the best 


Posted 19 Nov 2023 at 00:06

I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed to discharge him without a care package in place, so something has gone wrong there, and a formal complaint would be in order. Unfortunately, now he has been discharged, the hospital won't pursue the care package as it's driven entirely by their motivation to discharge patients. The only way for them to do this would be to get him re-admitted in what's termed a failed discharge (had to do that with my mother when they sent her home delirious with a UTI).

I'm not sure where you would go from here, but barring a re-admission, I suspect you need to engage social services and/or a hospice to provide hospice at home services.

Posted 19 Nov 2023 at 17:15

So just a bit of an update…

They say fast track was declined because the end of life team feel he has more than 12 weeks left. 

He has no idea when he’s going to the toilet. It’s everywhere and because he can’t weight bare cleaning him is very difficult and dangerous. He also has pressure sores that are bleeding. 

The emergency nurse came out last night and checked his sores etc. She’s coming out again tomorrow to see how things are going.

We have put in a complaint to the hospital about his unsafe discharge but haven’t had a response as yet.  The district nurse has also done the same. 

Posted 19 Nov 2023 at 17:28

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

So just a bit of an update…

They say fast track was declined because the end of life team feel he has more than 12 weeks left. 

He has no idea when he’s going to the toilet. It’s everywhere and because he can’t weight bare cleaning him is very difficult and dangerous. He also has pressure sores that are bleeding. 

The emergency nurse came out last night and checked his sores etc. She’s coming out again tomorrow to see how things are going.

We have put in a complaint to the hospital about his unsafe discharge but haven’t had a response as yet.  The district nurse has also done the same. 


if they felt he didn’t meet the criteria for the 12 week care pathway, and it’s clear he cannot care for himself,  they still have an obligation to complete a CHC assessment to establish whether he has a primary health care need, if yes, NHS fund care. If no, the discharge team from social care  ought to complete a care need’s assessment prior to discharge. Then ensure that measures are in place to meet his needs, and conducting a financial assessment to see whether he’s entitled to financial help with care. This can delay discharge but the priority should be patient safety. 

His GP/ adult social care need to be involved in order to urgently help get appropriate care in place. Can you source a care company to assist whilst this is going in? The NHS complaints system gives them weeks to respond. 

I hope you soon get help, having been responsible for vulnerable parents and in laws I know how hard this is on everyone. 

perhaps you could consider an application for attendance allowance to help toward private carers? 

Posted 22 Nov 2023 at 15:19

Further update…


They approved the fast track funding! 

We rang the emergency community nursing team and they sorted everything. I honestly can’t thank them enough. 

They came out and assessed him, sorted his bedsores, put in requests for extra equipment that was missing and sorted emergency medication. 

We have put in a complaint to the hospital and the nurse has also put in a complaint for an unsafe discharge. 

He slept properly for the first time in 3 weeks last night. 

Posted 22 Nov 2023 at 18:05

I’m so pleased you got the support that your father in law obviously needs. That’s a shocking way to treat anyone and it must be so distressing for him, you and all the family. Sometimes you have to fight for what you would think should be standard practice. Have you thought about speaking to your local MP?


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