My husband of 44 went to the GP last week as he had blood in his semen, a lot! The dr checked his prostate and said it felt ok but would take bloods as well.. he said results would be back in a week. 3 days later the GP rang and said bloods seem ok but there referring to hospital for further tests. They booked him in this week at urology for Friday and then rang back to say he’s down as Urgent and could he come this Wednesday instead. They rang back and booked him in for a CT scan which he had Friday just gone, this was with a dye that they injected into him.
I’ve been looking into diagnosis and a CT doesn’t seem to be standard to diagnose but rather see if it’s spread? I’m now Worried sick that this is practically confirming the worst before we’ve even seen a specialist.
i can’t understand why the dr said his bloods and prostate seemed ok but he’s had a ct scan and appointment within a week and he is down as urgent?
Will he get results Wednesday when we go to urology?
Thank You