Firstly thank you.
Husband was called in to GP beginning September 2023 told he should have been referred May 2022 PSA 9.7
MRI - PIRADS 4 T2B N0 M0 (No dye injected
Dr in clinic said that the prostate was full and it was unlikely to be due to any other cause
Biopsy 12th October ( I had pestered and thankfully he got a cancellation slot)
Told by consultant 3 weeks for results
After 3 weeks+ I contacted Patient liaison and they got back to me to consultant should have told us 6-8 weeks they advised contacting both the hospital that processes samples and the hospital that manages our local urology dept - automatic reply emails saying 10 days before reply- still heard nothing from either trust
When we had heard nothing from urology our MP contacted them.
the reply was that they were going to discuss his case at MDT meeting the following Monday (27th) November
The letter sent to GP states a few samples are highly suspicious for malignancy and for repeat biopsies
I'm so worried but also puzzled because I've never seen a histology report that didn't specify the type of cancer eg adenocarcinoma, squamous cell, basal cell etc but the prostate is a mystery to me.
If the results take 8 weeks+ from biopsy on 28th December that will over 6 months since referral