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On the start of the PC journey?

Posted 13 Dec 2023 at 11:55

Firstly Hi, I’m 55 years of age (Birthday last Saturday) and due to my Dad being diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer in September of this year (he starts his Radiotherapy in March 24) I decided to go to my Dr’s and asked for a PSA test. I had 2, the first was 9.8 and second 9. Very quickly I was given an MRI scan which showed a contained area of concern, the consultant gave that scan a score of 3 out of 5. 

I’m due to have a biopsy this Friday and a little nervous but keen to get to the bottom of what it may or may not be. Have to say I’m impressed with the St Helier Group, Epsom hospital and the speed and efficiency so far with my investigation. 

I’ve also found this community a great help and full of advice and experiences so thank you to all that have posted over the years. 

A dumb question but does the PSA score have a bearing on how aggressive a cancer could be?

Edited by member 14 Dec 2023 at 04:38  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 13 Dec 2023 at 12:28

Not a dumb question.

PSA does not correlate well with anything. If you had a PSA of 1000, yes that would be bad news. Strictly speaking it would probably be extensive rather than aggressive in that case.

A PSA greater than 20 is classified as 'high risk'. There are aggressive low PSA cancers and vice versa. PSA was never intended to be a diagnostic tool. It is best used to monitor post treatment success/failure.

Gleason score is the better way to judge the aggressiveness of a cancer.


Posted 13 Dec 2023 at 13:18

Good morning mate,

Sorry to see you've found your self here but folk will help and support you as best they can.

Don't worry about your biopsy, they're are numerous conversations about them, and very few folk have had any problems. In fact we've often chuckled about them

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I’m due to have a biopsy this Friday and a little nervous but keen to get to the bottom of what it may not be.

Although inadvertent, your 'Getting to the bottom of it', is a cracking pun when discussing biopsies. 😉

Best of luck.

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Posted 13 Dec 2023 at 12:28

Not a dumb question.

PSA does not correlate well with anything. If you had a PSA of 1000, yes that would be bad news. Strictly speaking it would probably be extensive rather than aggressive in that case.

A PSA greater than 20 is classified as 'high risk'. There are aggressive low PSA cancers and vice versa. PSA was never intended to be a diagnostic tool. It is best used to monitor post treatment success/failure.

Gleason score is the better way to judge the aggressiveness of a cancer.


Posted 13 Dec 2023 at 13:18

Good morning mate,

Sorry to see you've found your self here but folk will help and support you as best they can.

Don't worry about your biopsy, they're are numerous conversations about them, and very few folk have had any problems. In fact we've often chuckled about them

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I’m due to have a biopsy this Friday and a little nervous but keen to get to the bottom of what it may not be.

Although inadvertent, your 'Getting to the bottom of it', is a cracking pun when discussing biopsies. 😉

Best of luck.

Posted 14 Dec 2023 at 17:27

Thanks for the replies, guys. Your website is an interesting read, 'Chippers' appreciate the link. Unfortunately, I have got COVID, so my biopsy has moved to the 28th; a bit longer to wait, but I'm calm about it.

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