Hi Adrian
Thank you for sending J and myself good wishes.
Your reply and Dave's have helped ease the sense of isolation.
It is difficult talking to friends/family about the PC as they don't really 'get it' ( no reason why they should). I dont always find their well-intentioned comments about how well J looks (he does!) helpful. I understand they are meant kindly, however.
The side effects of the RALP with friends/family are too private/personal (thank goodness for Invecorp!)and I can only answer their understandably concerned questions about next steps with the honest reply that I don't know yet.
You will understand that the RALP has already put my wonderful husband through so much. We had hoped for a few years clear without PC rearing its ugly head.
We're slowly processing the unwelcome news about the biochemical relapse- it seems bitterly disappointing so soon after the RALP at beginning of April but then again life isn't fair.
Thank you for your reply. Your replies and support are very much appreciated.
Best wishes