I had a similar diagnosis to you (but PSA 25). I think you will get HDR, but you need to check that. My advice would be the same whether it is HDR or LDR though.
The order for mine was Brachy, EBRT but they can be swapped around.
The short answer is you need both at the same time.
The long answer is that there is a lifetime limit to how much RT your body's healthy cells can take. An oncologist will not risk giving you more than that limit, but equally will not risk giving you less than the that limit. It has to be killed, so no half measures.
Most of the cancer is in your prostate, but some is outside, and it may be further than just the Extension, so you need a moderate dose outside the prostate. Brachy puts the radioactive source in the prostate, each source has a range of about 3mm, so with multiple sources they can irradiate the whole prostate with a lot of radiation, whilst leaving anything more than 3mm from the prostate untouched. The EBRT can then further irradiate the prostate and the surrounding area with a much lower dose sweeping up any cancer outside the prostate.
Cancer always has some active cells and some dormant cells, the dormant cells will become active within about a week. Hitting the dormant cells with radiation does not harm them, so you need the RT spread out over at least a week so they will all have been active at some time during treatment. Leaving a long gap between Brachy and EBRT (either way around) would allow the unharmed dormant cells to become active and then regenerate. You would then have cancer, but have used up all your lifetime limit of RT.
You need the brachy *now*
Edited by member 04 Jan 2024 at 12:35
| Reason: Not specified