Are you on Calcium and Vitamin D3 and a bisphosphonate? If not, it sounds like you should be. Vitamin K2 might help too, as long as you're not on Wafarin.
You've posted many times about not being able to get TRT. There may be some specific reason they are unhappy to give it to you (such as if they don't think you're cured of the prostate cancer), but otherwise, research has shown that for someone with no evidence of disease who is believed cured, TRT should be considered and past diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer should not be preventing this. This is a relatively new finding (as in last 5-10 years) and it may be that all your clinicians are out of date. Have you asked for a second opinion at another hospital?
EDIT: corrected an incorrect opposite meaning to what I meant to say.
Also, yes as Lyn says below, check the Calcium and Vitamin D3 and a bisphosphonate with your clinicians, and they should be available on prescription (the last class of drugs are only on prescription).
Edited by member 08 Jan 2024 at 01:53
| Reason: Not specified