Hi All
So I managed to get an earlier appointment. The anxiety and depression were really kicking in so my consultant was able to fit me in sooner. I was diagnosed with mild depression last year - think it might be upgraded from mild now. 😂
It is about as positive as I could have hoped, with the exception of this has all been a mistake, you are perfectly healthy Mr C.
- 16 cores were taken - 8 left and 8 right.
- All 8 from the right (where the 10mm lesion is) are all benign.
- 7 from the left are ok. 1 has some of the bad stuff. Approx 2mm and has been rated Gleason 7 (3+4) 20% of 4 apparently.
- For now the consultant recommends active surveillance, PSA testing every 3 months for life (hopefully till I am 90+) and I have a follow up meeting in 3 weeks to discuss the outcome from some sort of consultants steering meeting.
it was all pretty emotional. Don’t think I made any sense with my questions, thank god for my wife she was able to communicate.
I have an ultrasound on my right rib next week as I have had a on / off soreness there for the last 3 weeks. Fingers crossed there are no more surprises.
I realise that this is only the start of the journey and there will be plenty of ups and downs in the coming years. But the relief of just knowing is incredible.
Any advise on moving forward is very much welcome.
Apologies this is pretty long, I didn’t think I would write so much.