Hi All.
My 53 year old husband has just received the results from his PET scan. He has a sizable tumour in his T6 vertebrae. The consultant said that new radiotherapy treatment is potentially curative and it would start next month if the MDT agree that as a treatment pathway, reserving hormone treatment for later.
His PSA is still only just above 0.2 which seems really low for the size of the tumour. It is a single, Grade 0 spot in the column as far as I could see on the scan. We have not received the actual results letter yet. He is not experiencing any pain at all thankfully and is fit and well. His Gleason is 9, and the consultant also referred to his staging as 4 now (was T3B N1M0).
The thing is, I had always understood that bone mets ultimately meant that it is now just a case of extending time and preserving QOL, combined with size/pain reduction through various treatments. My husband is unable to discuss anything to do with anything other than this being curative. I know this is the hope and fully understand that he needs this to keep going mentally. It is great that he thinks this is going to be the outcome. He has never read anything about his staging and prognosis. He doesn't want to know.
The issue I have, is can this actually be curative at this stage? I can continue to be positive for him, but I need to know if it was just the consultant being positive in the moment as it counters everything I have read myself about stage 4 bone mets.
Does this treatment carry a real possibility of cure?
Positive vibes and best wishes to everyone here. Any help or advice most gratefully received.
Thank you, Rach
Edited by member 25 Jan 2024 at 10:26
| Reason: Realised I hadn't been positive and caring to others who are reading. Sorry. Just rushing to find an