Hi Bassettman,
Your symptoms sound very much like mine. I have been on Zoladex for nearly two and a half years and have been dealing with the inevitable hot flushes. More recently I have been experiencing severe pain in my lower legs at night. For me, these pains don't seem to be related to my night sweats but independent of them, giving me even less sleep. This only happens at night. During the day, after a hot shower, my legs are tired but not painful.
I discussed the problem with my physio, my GP and rheumatologist and now my oncologist thinks that it is probably treatment-related, ie, an HT side effect. As the pain is symmetrical my oncologist thinks it unlikely connected to my PC. I am awaiting the results of an MRI scan of my lower legs and hope that it will help to explain what's going on. Pain killers don't help much.
I sympathise with you and hope you find some relief soon. I will check back in with this thread when I know more.