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Nightly Flush with leg pain

Posted 03 Feb 2024 at 21:11

Prostate removed March 2023 but some cancer still present so now about to start radiotherapy. Just had my second hormone injection.  For the last 2 to 3 months while having hot flushes during the night, numbering between 4 and 5, I am also having pains in my lower legs when I am woken during the night which I haven't been able find an answer to.

Has anyone experienced having pain when having hot flush?

Posted 04 Feb 2024 at 01:09

There are obviously lots of side effects with HT and bone pain etc is certainly one of them so might just be that. 

I’m sure it’s not the same thing, but my husband was recently diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (after a D-dimer blood test alerted us) they think it’s been DVT’s that have then travelled from his legs, he never had any symptoms in his legs though just breathlessness when they found them in his lungs. He’s fine now and on blood thinners to help and is due to have his 2nd HT injection on Monday. Always worth just checking with these things though.

Hope all is better with you soon



Posted 04 Feb 2024 at 01:18

I've had hot flushes now for almost two years. Whilst I wouldn't call them leg pains, my legs and arms definitely tingle when a flush is coming on. I also feel particularly agitated, then the heat and sweat starts.

Good luck with the HT

Posted 04 Feb 2024 at 08:01

Hi Bassettman,

Not sure which ADT you’re in but I’m on Prostap and suffer severe leg ache and stiffness, much worse in the morning and eases off during the day. It affects my hips,knees and ankles and in the mornings I feel like I need a litre of Castrol GTX to lubricate my aching joints. I’ve tried everything but so far NOTHING has helped(I’m  sorry to say). I’m currently awaiting the results of a blood test to see if I have polymyalgia Rheumatica.

I would advise stretches, weight bearing exercises, swimming and cycling to try and keep your muscles whilst on HT….I’m not sure how long you are on it? If you’re not a gym goer, buy yourself some reisistance bands and use them daily…it’s amazing just how many exercises you can perform with them.

Good luck and if you find a solution….please let me know🙏


Posted 05 Feb 2024 at 00:37

Thanks for the replies.

I'm on Prostap 3

The leg pains are always at night when I'm in my bed, sure if it's the leg pain that wakes me and I'm sweating slightly. So I get up and visit the bathroom before sticking head out the window to cool down. Happening between 1 hour and 2 so I'm not getting much quality sleep. Hopefully things will get better.


Posted 05 Feb 2024 at 07:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I've had hot flushes now for almost two years. Whilst I wouldn't call them leg pains, my legs and arms definitely tingle when a flush is coming on. I also feel particularly agitated, then the heat and sweat starts.

Good luck with the HT

Yep, I get the agitation just before it starts, time to get the pocket fan on. My flushes have definitely improved since I started taking Vitamin E…no idea why🤷🏼‍♂️ but although I still get them they are not as severe. My problem is I ALWAYS get one just after my head hits the pillow at night, and the agitation seems to waken me up. Some nights it takes me hours to get to sleep. Insomnia, yet another side effect😟

Edited by member 05 Feb 2024 at 07:38  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Feb 2024 at 20:31
Thanks again for your responses.

Not sure additional Vitamin E is a good thing, can cause/start cancer from what I have read.

Posted 11 Feb 2024 at 09:00

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Thanks again for your responses.
Not sure additional Vitamin E is a good thing, can cause/start cancer from what I have read.

if was my (very experienced) ED nurse who said it would help with blood flow and ED.

Posted 08 Jun 2024 at 16:02

Hi Bassettman,

Your symptoms sound very much like mine. I have been on Zoladex for nearly two and a half years and have been dealing with the inevitable hot flushes. More recently I have been experiencing severe pain in my lower legs at night. For me, these pains don't seem to be related to my night sweats but independent of them, giving me even less sleep. This only happens at night. During the day, after a hot shower, my legs are tired but not painful.

I discussed the problem with my physio, my GP and rheumatologist and now my oncologist thinks that it is probably treatment-related, ie, an HT side effect. As the pain is symmetrical my oncologist thinks it unlikely connected to my PC. I am awaiting the results of an MRI scan of my lower legs and hope that it will help to explain what's going on. Pain killers don't help much.

I sympathise with you and hope you find some relief soon. I will check back in with this thread when I know more.

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