Been Diagnosed with Prostate cancer back in June 2023! It took me a while to understand what just happened.
As a 47 yrs active, healthy guy, I was broken with the news, but kept very positive at all times.
Started Hormone Therapy Straight away as I had a PSA of 63.
Did Bone scan, MRi scan, Biopsy & a PET Scan
Bone Scan came clear
PET scan showed it had spread to the lymph nodes in the pelvis and shoulder
6 rounds of Chemo started on Oct 13 and finished on Jan 26th, every 3 weeks.
I do feel well and eat well, do my daily exercise, having a follow up on Feb 12. Current PSA levels 0.09, still have discomfort when sitting for a while and some in my shoulder. Just wonder if someone can let me know if that's normal as I do feel overall fine.
Obviously every Chemo Treatment left me drained with no energy, but never sick (nausea) for about 6/7 days but after that I was back to "normal" self :)
I Haven't spoken about it to anyone that is in the same our similar situation, hence being here :)
Thank you!!!