Hi Derek, thank you for those kind and supportive words.
Yes it does seem to be a journey, from when I went for my first PSA (6.8 - I'm 65) at the end of January to now - waiting to hear the results on 24th April is hard. My mpMRI scan returned a Likert of 5, so I'm not kidding myself that I'll be cancer free, it's just how aggressive the cells will turn out to be.
The internet is a two edge sword, which helps and harms, especially when it's impossible to get through to the NHS support staff. With my wife's help, I'm surprising myself at how balanced I think I'm being, but this incident in the biopsy has fuelled an anxiety that I'd been keeping at bay. I'm struggling to get out of my mind the needles slicing through tissue rather just piercing and releasing highly mutated cells.
I'm sure others would have jumped when the first samples were taken. I can't be alone.
Otherwise the biopsy process went fine. The staff were considerate and caring, it's just that they are so pressured.
I will take up your suggestion and ring one of the specialist nurses on Tuesday for a chat.
Thanks again,