Hi Paul,
Sorry that you've had to join the club, but welcome anyway.
Obviously wait for your results. Have I read your PSA results correctly, has it decreased slightly? Your bio states the MRI was PIRADS 3 which means its inconclusive. Does it indicate if you've got an enlarged prostate. It might be that you have other prostate issues that have caused an elevated PSA.
I'd definitely wait until you've had your biopsy results, before mentioning it to the kids.
Mine were all in their 30's or 40's, I just told them I had the disease, but that, one in eight elderly men do. As things progressed I kept them updated accordingly. I have two young grandkids 6 and 10. We've all avoided telling them. About a month after the prostatectomy, I was swimming with Oliver, who was then 9. He saw the key hole scars and asked about them. It told him they were where I'd been shot in the Army. No wonder I'm his hero. He'd never believe I was invincible.
When first diagnosed, I told my daughter and we had a hug and a bit of a cry. Surprisingly, she waited a fortnight before asking if I've left her anything in the will. 😄
Edited by member 03 Apr 2024 at 11:54
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