Very grateful for your take on following time scales and whether those whose journey is a little way down the road can advise whether in their opinion the time frame I'm currently looking for treatment which is yet to start is quite normal?.
Biopsy 1 Feb 24
Urology appt Info'd results of Biopsy 15 Feb 24 (Gleason 4+3 PSA 30)
CT scan 17 Feb Bone scan 19 Feb 24
Urology appt 14 Mar 24 to discuss Rx **
Letter rec'd a further CT PET Scan booked for 19 April 24
Letter rec'd Oncology appt booked 30 May 24
** This appt was in my humble opinion a little rushed. An hour late getting in to see a pleasant though clearly busy Urologist & nurse eager to progress (now 1700) to their next patient in a very busy waiting room. Large prostate, locally advanced further CT PET Scan req'd however Rx agreed on Hormone & Radiotherapy. I did email Senior Nurse Practitioner before Easter but still await reply. Want to emphasise in no way criticism its just the words 'cancer'.. 'high risk' .. 'aggressive' uttered to me on 15 Feb still foremost in my mind.