Hi, it’s been nearly a year since my RP although I’m doing well, I’m writing this post because I have just had another surgery to fix a inguinal hernia, and wanted to share (in my opinion) an important piece of help and advice to anyone who might be having prostate removal soon.
After my discharge from RP surgery, I had to return to A&E the next day as had immense pain from being constipated and unable to push/open bowels because of fear and pain from procedure. The nurse at A&E administered an enema in rectum which resolved the issue almost immediately, but all this fuss could’ve been prevented had I received that enema before I was discharged following my RP.
So, prior to my (open surgery) hernia op, I purchased the same enema online (Cleen Ready-to-use Enema) and was so thankful I did, because, again I was painfully constipated and unable to push because of my abdominal pain post surgery.
Just wanted to share with everyone… hopefully you may not need it, but if you do, you’ll be so thankful you purchased it I promise!