Hi Tel, welcome to the forum; your story is almost identical to mine. At 53, I had a normal range PSA which increased by a quarter point over 8 months. If I followed the NICE guidance I'd do nothing about it, but contacted urologist who organised an urgent MRI and bingo. Cancer in the right lobe. Won't bore you with histology at this point. Four days later had a biopsy (under general anaesthetic - didn't fancy being awake for that) which confirmed the diagnosis and 2 weeks later I had a RALP. Excellent post op recovery; I'm now just over a month since surgery with almost normal continence and totally normal erectile function (had nerve sparing surgery) so better than I hoped for.
Your PSA is climbing from the figures you published, so I would ask for a urology referral and an MRI. Hopefully, it'll be fine and you can then relax, but if not, with such a low PSA, it'll almost certainly be localised with a potentially very high chance of cure. The NICE guidance is geared for the bulk of patients with prostate cancer who tend to be older and likely to die from other causes rather prostate cancer. It doesn't really serve 'youngsters' like us who hopefully have a much longer life expectancy.
Your normal DRE doesn't exclude prostate cancer; if you have a small tumour in the transitional zone it won't necessarily be picked by finger exam. Also, you have to wonder why your PSA is climbing albeit in the normal range.
I hope I haven't alarmed you and happy to support in any way I can.