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Is my penis normal?

Posted 28 Apr 2024 at 10:21

The penis and is often  discussed on here.

Back in 2014, a scientific study, called 'Am I normal'  measured the the penises of 15,552 men.


The average dimensions were as follows:

Flaccid:     3.16 inches

Erect:       5.17 inches.

Girth:      Flaccid, 3.7inches. Erect, 4.59 inches.

Erection angle:  105.7 degrees. ( 0 degrees pointing towards your feet, 180 degrees pointing to your chin, 90 degrees pointing straight ahead.

This is why, since my op, I always keep a tape measure and protractor, on the bedside table.


Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 08:03

Where would we be without scientific studies eh?

As well as tape measure and protractor, I hope you have your assistant on hand to record measurements and offer a second opinion. 



Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 08:25

I put this conversation in for approval nearly 24 hours ago. I wonder if they were waiting for the boss to come in on Monday morning to rubber stamp it. 🤔 😁

According to my calculations if you put 15,552 average size erect penises end to end, they would stretch for 1.416 miles.

Joking apart, apparently, part of doing this survey was to help men with body dysmorphia. I think it is relevant here because alot of us, especially those who've had surgery, may feel a bit 'penile dysmorphic.'


Edited by member 29 Apr 2024 at 08:42  | Reason: Additional text

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