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Caverject v Invicorp

Posted 28 Apr 2024 at 19:14

First post for me on this forum, but it has been an invaluable source of information since I had a blood test showing raised PSA (16) in April 2022, was diagnosed with PC in July 2022 and had RAP in October 2022 which was partially nerve sparing. Almost everything has gone very well although ED has been a problem.

I tried Sildenafil and Tadalafil both having moderate effects and neither good enough for natural penetrative sex, also with a headache side effect unless I really hydrated. Vitaros had similar outcomes and made the end of my penis quite sore.

I have recently tried Caverject injections with great success and the first normal feeling sex for almost 18 months!! I first tried 10mcg, then 7.5mcg and both lasted too long (3 1/2 hours) and I thought a trip to A&E might be needed. Tried 3.5mcg and that lasted just over 2 hours. Due to Caverject availability issues I have now been prescribed Invicorp but haven’t tried it yet. I am slightly concerned regarding dosage as it says to inject the full dose of 0.35ml/25 microgram/2mg, which on the basis 3.5mcg of Caverject lasted just over 2 hours I hate to think what 25mcg of Invicorp might do! 

Does anyone have experience of switching between the two?

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 08:34
I used Caverject which started at 2.5mcg in the clinic but the end didn't engorged much. Tried 5mcg next and got a priapism so went back to 2.5. Once again I got a priapism. Now I use Invicorp and squirt some out until the volume is 20mcg to 25mcg. That gives an erection for anything from about 20mins to 3.5 hours. I discussed this with my ED nurse who said it was a sensible idea.

Hope this helps



Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 08:49

Hello Stanny. Welcome to the forum.

I tried Caverject once at the ED clinic, it didn't work. I've since been prescribed Invicorp.

Brilliant product and does what is says on the tin.


Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 09:13

Thanks both, very useful, many thanks. I also have the same issue with not much engorgement at the end but wasn’t sure if that was normal with any ED injections, so I will look forward to trying the Invicorp.

Thanks again.

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 09:55


You might find the above conversation helpful Stanny.

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 15:06

Very useful, thanks again.

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 16:37

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Thanks both, very useful, many thanks. I also have the same issue with not much engorgement at the end but wasn’t sure if that was normal with any ED injections, so I will look forward to trying the Invicorp.

Thanks again.

For me it's the same with invicorp, very little at the end. However with a pump it's fine.



Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 16:48
Thanks Bill

I’ve tried the pump, works fine to get hard but even when using a ring (have even tried two at once) it doesn’t stay usably hard for more than a few minutes; any tips?

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 17:11

No sorry, I have the same problem. That's why I use invicorp.



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