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Holiday after radical robotic prostatectomy

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 14:03

Hi, this is my first post. I recently had robotic surgery to remove my prostate and am hoping to go on holiday soon. General consensus online seems to be that after 6 weeks it should be fine to fly and go abroad but I was just wondering if anyone had further info or any first hand experience of their own? For reference, I am now 2 and half weeks post op and everything seems fine, slight and sporadic incontinence but nothing major, and we are looking to go on holiday at the end of may. Many thanks. 

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 14:34

Hello mate and welcome to the forum.

I have had the op, but have never been keen on traveling.

I was, however, taking a trip to the pub regularly, only 4 days after surgery.

There have been many threads on here about fitness to travel and holiday insurance.

Your recovery seems excellent. I wish you the best of luck.

Edited by member 29 Apr 2024 at 15:02  | Reason: Typo

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 14:42

Hi messi.

At 6 weeks post prostatectomy,  I was back into my normal routine of running 3 miles a day + a 4 mile walk in the afternoon. Although I didn’t  go on holiday at that time (as it was late November) I feel I could have done.

Of course at 6 weeks it depends on how well your continence is progressing , but as I’m sure you are aware the continence pads do a great job, plenty of exercise in the weeks prior to you flying can only benefit & help mitigate the chances of any blood clotting issues, maybe wear your compression stockings & get up & walk around the aircraft, I’m not an expert on how long it takes for the clotting issues to clear up but going on my experience I think you will be fine.

Have a great holiday.

Best of luck Jeff.


Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 15:10

Thank you for the responses. I will take a look at the other threads and see what information I can find there also. I think that I will feel fit and well enough to travel hopefully if my recovery continues to go ok, and am walking regularly now to build some fitness back up so I’m sure that will help. 

Posted 29 Apr 2024 at 21:50
I went abroad on holiday (flying) around 6 weeks after my operation - it had been booked before diagnosis. My continence was still a problem, yours seems to be doing better, so I needed to take masses of pads but managed OK. It was a huge psychological boost after all I had been through.
Posted 30 Apr 2024 at 11:33

Read up about risk of dvt, from memory I think it's 12 weeks for flying after prostatectomy 

Posted 30 Apr 2024 at 21:42
Advice may have changed, but when I went 6 weeks was OK and by then I had finished the anticoagulant injections.
Posted 01 May 2024 at 23:11

Like Andy Muir, I was told no flying abroad for 12 weeks following RARP.


Posted 02 May 2024 at 05:37

Difficult decision and everyone is different. Last year I was due to go island hoping around Greek Islands which would have been some 7 weeks post op. Once I knew my op date I cancelled the holiday just in case. No issues with insurance company. Glad I did. At the time I was due to go away I was suffering with incontinence issues (4/5 pads a day) and tiredness. I would have struggled with the travelling round and would not have enjoyed it.  In the end I went to Anglesey (!) several months later and had a great time with good weather. Best of luck. 

Posted 02 May 2024 at 06:28
Anglesey is very nice!
Posted 02 May 2024 at 07:35

Agree it’s very nice. Like it so much back there again this weekend. 

Posted 05 May 2024 at 17:28

Thanks for all the helpful responses, unfortunately I tempted fate and this week have come down with sepsis! Been a scary few days but hopefully back on course now, of course this has made the holiday decision a lot clearer! Thanks again all.

Posted 05 May 2024 at 20:49

A late reply but I went to Australia 8 weeks after my op and stayed there for 4 weeks.  It was a bit touch and go as I wanted to have my first post op clinic to get doctors approval and it became delayed until 5 days before departure.  Fortunately it was alright.   

I'd checked with the airline and hotels and delaying arrival or the whole stay seemed the best option if there'd been a problem although no-one seemed to want to discuss how much it might cost.  I could have claimed from insurance but I try to avoid doing that as it can lie on your records for years.

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