Well I had a call from the CNS yesterday to give me the full breakdown of my illness.
Gleason 3+3, 7 cores from 20 all one side in the transitional zone no extra extension ( contained within the prostate at what she called the apex. Prostate volume 39cc PSA density 0.22 maximum tumour length 2mm. She said the tumour itself was measured at 10mm x 0.8 mm.
I received my patient folder through the post as well, it had “Active Surveillance” written all over it. I asked about this and the discomfort, she said the discomfort was normal but keep an eye on it but to contact my GP if it doesn’t ease. With regards to the AS, she said there were seven or eight gents in the same grouping reviewed at the MDT meeting and all were put on AS. I asked about other options and she said if I was not in favour of AS the she would forward my case from Barnstaple to the team in Exeter, this gave me the impression they did not intend to do this anyway. I thought this a little odd as if they were limiting my options for treatment and not offering the choice.
All good fun