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Post op reaction

Posted 13 May 2024 at 19:12

Hi. Had RP 3 weeks ago. Think it was successful but the hospital forgot to book follow up appointments. Finally got through to Urology as they weren’t answering messages left. They brought me in for Catheter removal which they did and then sent me away after 10 minutes.Drove home as normal then at home no control of bladder and the most excruciating episode of pain. Spent 5 days in hospital where they finally re catheterised me after Cat scan detected leak from the bladder. Such a horrendous ordeal. Is this a normal experience?

Posted 13 May 2024 at 22:00
Sorry you’ve had that experience! Not what you need after a major op as well as all the stress of diagnosis before. I can only quote our experience (husbands). He was catheterised for four weeks because of a difficult join of urethra to bladder. On the removal day, a scan was done with a liquid pressure/leak test to check the join before removal of catheter. They removed it and we had to hang around for a couple of hours to make sure he passed urine first.
Posted 13 May 2024 at 22:07

Andre, it is certainly not normal, but it is not unheard of. We are often told that urine leaking into the abdominal cavity can make you feel quite unwell and requires urgent attention.

Hope things start to improve soon.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 13 May 2024 at 22:09

No it's not mate. You appear to have been treated badly. 

Posted 14 May 2024 at 08:42

I can’t answer the question about your catheter removal but I’m quite shocked about the level of care you have received. You often hear UK(including Scottish MPs and MSPs) politicians saying how bad the NHS is in Scotland, but that’s certainly NOT my experience. My treatment in Fife and Lothians has been first class. If I phone my CNS, if nobody answers you just leave a message and they call back within 24 hours. 

Im sorry your level of care has not matched your expectations and moving forward I hope you are on the road to recovery soon.

All the best,


Posted 14 May 2024 at 11:13

Sorry to hear about your pretty despicable and terrible experience. As others have alluded to, your experience does not mirror most folks experience on here, the Pre and post care has been 1st class from the NHS, so I wonder what went wrong here. Just out interest which NHS Trust is this?

Posted 14 May 2024 at 20:56

Andre King,

So sorry you have had this experience.  As others have said, this is not the standard of care which you are entitled to expect.  Have you considered making a complaint to P.A.L.S.?

I hope you're recovery improved from here on in.

Best wishes,


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