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Injections for ED

Posted 17 May 2024 at 13:56

I have got over my treatment but have been left with ED. Been through all the tablets and creams etc and am currently using Viridal Duo 40 mic. This works but not every time and I was wondering if Invicorp 25 is a) any more effective b) available on NHS or is a private prescription required  or c) available to purchase over the counter anywhere. Any pointers or info would be appreciated. Thank you.

Posted 18 May 2024 at 09:45

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, can you get Invicorp in 40mcg doses?

I don't think so Kev. 25 mcg is tops.

I remember giving myself two 25 mcg doses, less than 20 minutes apart, when I thought the first hadn't worked. It ended up that hard you could have cracked toffee with it.

🎵 Stop! Hammer time.🎵

(You have to know the song to get it).


Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 22:40

I refused the injections and opted for the muse pellets. I used them for a couple of years. They were a bit hit and miss and I did have to experiment with lots of different doses. I did eventually more onto caverject injections, I have in the past commented that I wasted years messing around with the muse. 

The system I had was a small plastic applicator that was inserted about 40mm down the eye of the penis. I found the muse easier to cope with than injecting the penis. Having used a caverject injection again recently I don't know why had issues in my head about using the injections. My muse did need to be kept in the fridge and I didn't think it was available again.

Thanks Chris 

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Posted 17 May 2024 at 15:16

Hello mate and welcome to the forum.

I'm  a great fan of Invicorp. I'll attach a link to a conversation on.it, which covers most of your questions.




Edited by member 17 May 2024 at 15:26  | Reason: Link

Posted 17 May 2024 at 17:26
Invicorp was the very best answer for me. Worked a treat. I bought it online from a London’onlineclinic.com’.

It was roughly £25 a shot and came in packs of five which need to go in fridge. Others gave me such pain. This just gave me great wood 😀

Posted 17 May 2024 at 20:15

If it works for you then Caverject is also available, cheaper and no fridge needed. I use it and it works for me but others haven't found that it worked for them. But just to let you know there are at least two alternatives :)

Posted 18 May 2024 at 07:56

I think it's well worth trying out a different brand, but if the injections don't work every time, it may be down to technique. 

Also, can you get Invicorp in 40mcg doses?



Posted 18 May 2024 at 08:47

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, can you get Invicorp in 40mcg doses?

I don't think so Kev. 25 mcg is tops.

I remember giving myself two 25 mcg doses, less than 20 minutes apart, when I thought the first hadn't worked. It ended up that hard you could have cracked toffee with it.

Posted 18 May 2024 at 09:45

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, can you get Invicorp in 40mcg doses?

I don't think so Kev. 25 mcg is tops.

I remember giving myself two 25 mcg doses, less than 20 minutes apart, when I thought the first hadn't worked. It ended up that hard you could have cracked toffee with it.

🎵 Stop! Hammer time.🎵

(You have to know the song to get it).


Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 21:44

I'm exactly one year on from a radical prostatectomy (done at Guildford in July 2023 when i was 76) and am still suffering from both bad incontinence (2 or 3 type 3 pads per day) and ED. Viagra and Cialis have no effect so i have to resort to a vacuum pump.

The cancer surgeon whom I saw today in a post-op follow-up appointment has suggested and prescribed me the Muse Intra-urethral system.

Has anyone tried this, and what were the results? 

Edited by member 08 Jul 2024 at 21:46  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 22:26
It can work, my experience was that it didn't and the necessity to shove cream down your urethra was more unpleasant than injecting.

Give it a try.

If it doesn't work get the injections.

Posted 08 Jul 2024 at 22:40

I refused the injections and opted for the muse pellets. I used them for a couple of years. They were a bit hit and miss and I did have to experiment with lots of different doses. I did eventually more onto caverject injections, I have in the past commented that I wasted years messing around with the muse. 

The system I had was a small plastic applicator that was inserted about 40mm down the eye of the penis. I found the muse easier to cope with than injecting the penis. Having used a caverject injection again recently I don't know why had issues in my head about using the injections. My muse did need to be kept in the fridge and I didn't think it was available again.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 12 Jul 2024 at 22:05
I went around holding my green prescription form to all the local chemists where I live (TW15) and they all said "out of stock" with no idea of when it would be available again.

I'm thinking i'll have to try the hospital pharmacy (St Peter's, Chertsey, Surrey).

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