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My husband has 4A prostrate cancer

Posted 17 May 2024 at 17:58

My husband just got diagnosed with 4A prostrate cancer that has spread to the pelvic lymph nodes and possibly the seminal vessel. Drs oncologist/urologist  surgeons are suggesting surgery vs. the oncologist suggesting RT followed by two years go ADT. Advice on what to choose and pros/cons of why. Nervous and confused.

Posted 17 May 2024 at 22:05

Hi Cherie,

The uncertainty is often worse when you know least.   My opinion would be RT and hormones appear the better option because it will sweep a wider area than surgery.  Although without knowing more about your case or being qualified it's just another opinion.

The surgeon could remove lymph nodes but perhaps not do enough.

The results from both techniques are similar overall but if it's outside the prostate then RT has advantages in covering a larger area and include areas nearby the scan might not have picked up.

All the best Peter



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