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Gene testing

Posted 17 May 2024 at 18:06

Just had the results from a gene blood test taken 8 weeks ago.

Results have come back negative ( had the saliva test 2 years ago and that was also negative ), 

Is this a good thing or a bad thing as far as treatment options go?


Edited by member 18 May 2024 at 06:46  | Reason: To add more information

Posted 18 May 2024 at 16:55

Hi Shaun,

I often thought about the test as my mother had breast cancer, not sure what difference it would make now though. 

As for your question, I don't know, but hopefully someone else will see this and comment. 



Posted 19 May 2024 at 19:09

DH’s daughter found out she had breast cancer in her early 30’s she was found to have the brca2 gene (she’s fine now) DH had been diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer several years before this, once we heard she’d got the gene we knew dh was going to be the carrier. 9 years after his treatment we find out the cancer had been hiding in his nodes all along, despite psa of 0.01 for many years and is now incurable. His consultant said if dh didn’t have the gene, he would have chemo as the first treatment. But apparently chemo can be ineffective for those with the gene. So that is definitely a downside to the have a gene mutation. So he’s on HT plus second gen. HT (enzalutamide) 

Had we known he carried the gene mutation at original diagnosis perhaps there would have been more tests. He had biopsy and MRI. He was given a Gleason of 6. But it wasn’t spotted that the cancer had spread into the nodes. 

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