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no visible cancer lesions - is cyber knife an option ?

Posted 24 May 2024 at 20:55

Hi ,

can anybody help ?

i'm gleason 7 , 3+4  and my cancer is confined to my prostrate , 

PSA is around 5 ,  and my prostate is now down from 51mls to 34mls.

on my last MRI scan , the cancer lesions were  "not visible" anymore ,

does anybody else have cancer that is not visible ?

i am not keen on surgery , and i have been told i can have standard RT  ( IMRT) without HT ,

do anybody have any experience or knowledge of CYBER KNIFE ?

as my cancer lesions can not be seen ...does this rule out cyber knife and short high dose RT procedures ?





Edited by member 24 May 2024 at 22:12  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 May 2024 at 22:32

Hi Bry, why has your prostate got smaller? Are you on HT? Have they mixed up your records with someone else?


Posted 25 May 2024 at 09:08

Hi Dave ,

i am on avodart ,

prostate has shrunk from 51mls to 34mls

Posted 25 May 2024 at 10:25

Hi Bry,

If you put cyberknife into our search box, it'll bring up a few conversations which may help. I've read through them and it appears you'll have to get a clinician to access your suitability. If you dont mind disclosing, do you intend to try and get the procedure on the NHS or privately?

Posted 25 May 2024 at 15:43

Hi Adrian ,

you are ahead of me  ,

does cyber knife focus on the cancer lesions like nano knife ?...

then it isn't likely to be an option for me ..,hence the post hoping forum members know

happy to share what i find


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