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Elevated PSA result

Posted 30 May 2024 at 10:15

I conducted a PSA test in May 2022 and the result was 4.85. I took an pelvis and abdomen ultrasound test and was cleared without any sign of prostrate cancer.

I conducted another PSA test in January 2023 and the PSA test was 5.0. In June 2023 I took another Full abdomen ultrasound test and found that I had mild prostrate enlargement.

However I just conducted a PSA test on the 26th of May 2023 and my PSA has spiked to 10.7 which is more than double the last one I did 16 months ago? Why has it spiked so much? I have also lost about 6kg in weight

Posted 30 May 2024 at 16:30

Hi Banky, I am surprised a biopsy was not conducted as a follow up. I might be wrong, but I am wondering what the purpose of a pelvic and abdomen scan is?

I am sure guys more knowledgeable than me would be to answer you. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2yes ago and has no symptoms apart from waking up at night several times to pass urine (which is also due an enlarged prostate). I would be pushing for a biopsy as that is the only way of putting your mind at ease.

Posted 30 May 2024 at 17:08
I agree, PCa does not tend to have any symptoms unless it has advanced elsewhere - one of the reasons that it is often detected too late. At 10.7 you should be inline for an MRI and a biopsy especially as that has doubled in 12 months.

What is your GP saying and have you been referred to a Urologist yet - you should be.

Posted 30 May 2024 at 18:29

Hi,  I wondered where in the world you are.  It would be standard in the UK to have your prostate felt by the GP, have a psa test and if suspicious to have an MRI scan and a biopsy.

PSA can rise for a few reasons and it might be benign such as inflammation or enlargement.   If the doctor felt your prostate by feeling inside your anus he would get an indication of whether it was large, hard or had protrusions.  That would be one indication.

Have you lost weight due to diet or exercise.   Weight loss isn't a common symptom of prostate cancer and could be something else.  6kg is quite a lot of weight to lose.


Posted 30 May 2024 at 21:17

What age are you ?

Posted 02 Jun 2024 at 16:32

Thanks very much for your responses. I was referred to see a urologist a yesterday and he conducted a DRE physical examination and it appeared to be normal.  An ultrasound scan was also conducted on my prostrate which showed enlargement as against the one I took last year. He has advised that I do an MRI and biopsy. 

How long does it take to conduct the prostrate MRI? Any advice on this. Will do the MRI first as it is apparently more accurate than the biopsy. 

I am 64 years old and currently in Nigeria

Thanks very much for your comments. Highly appreciated

Posted 02 Jun 2024 at 22:42

From memory, I think the MRI scan takes around 10 minutes. It is nothing to do with MRI being more accurate than a biopsy. They are two complimentary but completely different tests. The MRI is looking for abnormalities in your prostate. The biopsy is looking at tissue samples to determine whether the cells are cancerous. The MRI scan will also act as a guide to where to take the biopsy cores. 

Posted 04 Jun 2024 at 08:34

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Thanks very much for your responses. I was referred to see a urologist a yesterday and he conducted a DRE physical examination and it appeared to be normal.  An ultrasound scan was also conducted on my prostrate which showed enlargement as against the one I took last year. He has advised that I do an MRI and biopsy. 

How long does it take to conduct the prostrate MRI? Any advice on this. Will do the MRI first as it is apparently more accurate than the biopsy. 

I am 64 years old and currently in Nigeria

Thanks very much for your comments. Highly appreciated

Banky, the protocol here in the UK as the previous poster alluded to is to perform an MRI scan before the biopsy. This way if any abnormalities are found, they can use the image to focus on that when tissue samples are taken during a biopsy, otherwise the biopsy is just guess work.

Posted 06 Jun 2024 at 12:46
Ok thanks very much for the feedback.
Posted 07 Jun 2024 at 10:34
I did eventually have my MRI today and it actually took 45 mins. Should get the report by Saturday. I had it with a creatinine test.
Posted 07 Jun 2024 at 11:35

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I had it with a creatinine test.

My school teachers said I passed the cretin test. 😁

Joking apart, best of luck with your MRI results mate. Please keep us updated.

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 14:05
Thanks for your comments I had a postrate biopsy yesterday. Results should be out in 10 days time.
Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 18:53

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I had it with a creatininetest.

That's to make sure you have good enough kidney function to get the gadolinium tracer out of your system quickly.

Posted 01 Jul 2024 at 12:34

Still awaiting the results of the postrate biopsy. Hopefully I should get it today or tomorrow. 

Posted 01 Jul 2024 at 14:20

Keeping fingers crossed for you, I hope it is nothing.

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