Hi Guys,
Yes happy birthday for Friday Chris and enjoy that bottle of red. 🍷
Actually I’ve started drinking more low alcohol wine and beer. Mostly as i need to lose some of this Steroid weight but also as sometimes if I’m seeing my mates of an evening its just easier if i drive. Ive kind of got used to it now although still finding the best tasting ones. (If there is such a thing).
Regarding the Prostap. I had 3 years on it and the worse effect for me was the mental side of it. Which nearly destroyed me and needed some serious help from my counsellor. I actually lost weight , which was great , except I’ve put it all back on plus some…. Like Chris I didn’t lose my Libido on the HT and kept that right till recently, which may be the last hurrah of the Abi or the Degarelix now. Didn’t get the fatigue at all until i started the Abi, and I still get that a little every now and then and need a little sleep during the day. I do try to ignore it though and work through it as it feels like giving in.
I didn’t get any joint issues at all but it seems to have finally caught up with me and i really suffered the other day and couldn’t even sleep through it with Ibuprofen. Memory definitely affected and i know what you mean Chris about driving. I am extra careful now which is no bad thing. But I do find I’m double checking stuff like pulling out, and as you say reverse parking I’m having to concentrate on more. But then i am 69 so I’m older than you two. I am actually a pretty easy going person and so i dont get annoyed at anyone’s driving anymore, whatever they do, as i have rather more important things on my mind than getting one more car ahead… !
Clumsiness I’ve not had and I can’t imagine knocking over a whole glass of Hendricks 😱…
Like Chris I’m on HT now for life and obviously hoping my current Chemo regime will knock it back a bit longer.
Even find it difficult to look back to when i had my last Prostap injection, seems such a long time ago.
Have everything crossed that the treatment has worked well for you 👍. Don’t get too impatient as it takes a while for the Prostap to work its way out and most likely you’ll be shitting yourself on every blood test but that’s normal. Don’t forget that Chris are I aren’t the norm, the vast majority of patients are cured or given many, many years without a recurrence.
Good luck ,