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From me to you

Posted 09 Jun 2024 at 09:42

My husband has prostate cancer diagnosed s few years ago. He is on hormone therapy. I am a member of the american group of wives and was looking to see if something similar in Scotland and found this so have joined. 

Posted 09 Jun 2024 at 17:27

Welcome Ruth, it’s a great place to vve even though nobody wants to join.

You will find a wealth of knowledge and support on here and many of them are women😊


Posted 09 Jun 2024 at 17:44

There is a national partners-only support group which meets on Zoom:

Several of the local prostate cancer support groups also run partners-only support meetings.

Posted 10 Jun 2024 at 07:23

Welcome Ruth, and thank you for posting the link, Andy.

Ruth - sorry you need to join our community, hoping you find it helps. We have a partners only zoom meeting tonight - if you want to join us please follow the link Andy posted above and email Caroline or me and we can send you the zoom link. 

Take care, Janet 

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