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Post Op Discomfort

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 15:09

Hi - first time poster hoping to hear from others with similar experiences.


Had my prostate removed April 2023 (RARP). Op went well but catheter out too soon (or not fitted well perhaps) and back in hospital for 6 days with sepsis - not pleasant. Nothing modern antibiotics and properly fitted catheter couldn’t deal and several months later felt almost back to normal. 


Now, well over a year later, the only ongoing issue/concern is what I can only describe as regular ‘discomfort’ in what I think is the area where my prostate used to be. Best way I can describe it is a sensation of there being a marble/golf ball shoved up there. Not terribly painful as such and not stopping me getting on with life but most unwelcome. Consultant seems to have drawn a blank so far. Had a cystoscopy (didn’t enjoy that!) and all looks well so assume nothing internal to bladder or urethra.


Anyone else had ongoing discomfort like this?


At the end of the day I suppose I’ll just have to grin and bear it but thought I’d ask this community to see if anyone else has experienced this.



Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 16:00
I can't really help with that exact pain - I did have a lymphocele after the op where there is a collection of fluid where they removed the lymph node but they would have checked for I'm sure.
Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 16:48
You shouldn’t be having pain , but yes discomfort can go on quite a while. I literally couldn’t touch my balls for months after , and had zero sensation in my thighs for a long old time. I know the marble feeling. Huge op and it will pass
Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 19:17

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, after a couple of beers it becomes almost unnoticeable (but that approach probably isn’t recommended long term 😂)

Hello mate and welcome to the forum.

I was back in the pub 4 days after the op and been boozing regularly ever since, so maybe that's why I've felt no pain.😁👍

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 19:41

I had that feeling of sitting on a golf ball for a good 6 months following my operation, it wasn't there all the time but was sometimes uncomfortable. 

Hope it improves soon. 


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Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 16:00
I can't really help with that exact pain - I did have a lymphocele after the op where there is a collection of fluid where they removed the lymph node but they would have checked for I'm sure.
Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 16:48
You shouldn’t be having pain , but yes discomfort can go on quite a while. I literally couldn’t touch my balls for months after , and had zero sensation in my thighs for a long old time. I know the marble feeling. Huge op and it will pass
Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 18:46

Thanks - I’m hoping it is indeed just a slow process. If I keep busy and moving about I don’t notice it much.
Also, after a couple of beers it becomes almost unnoticeable (but that approach probably isn’t recommended long term 😂).

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 19:17

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Also, after a couple of beers it becomes almost unnoticeable (but that approach probably isn’t recommended long term 😂)

Hello mate and welcome to the forum.

I was back in the pub 4 days after the op and been boozing regularly ever since, so maybe that's why I've felt no pain.😁👍

Posted 12 Jun 2024 at 19:41

I had that feeling of sitting on a golf ball for a good 6 months following my operation, it wasn't there all the time but was sometimes uncomfortable. 

Hope it improves soon. 


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