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Help please - PSA 4000

Posted 15 Jun 2024 at 21:19

Hi Everyone,
thank you to anyone who responds with any information!

Edited by member 19 Jun 2024 at 22:21  | Reason: Think it will

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 07:50


I have no direct knowledge but I have posted this video link before and it may be of some help in preparing for the urology appointment.


Dr Scholz has made a large number of helpful and informative videos about prostate cancer, though one important thing to bear in mind is that he is based in the USA.

Good luck on your journey.


Posted 17 Jun 2024 at 02:19
Very sorry to read Dad situation. Of course with such a high figure a small percentage rise or fall makes a considerable difference and it may be that one of the PSA tests was done quite soon after exertion but there are other possibilities for the drop which could be temporary. Dad needs to have a forthright talk with an Oncologist to discuss treatment possibilities and how far Dad would want to pursue these relative to the extra time they may provde but fall in quality of life
Posted 17 Jun 2024 at 02:50

Thank you for your reply, means a lot 

Posted 17 Jun 2024 at 02:52

Thank you, watched a few of his videos now & they are very informative. Really appreciate the reply 

Posted 17 Jun 2024 at 20:48

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Dr Scholz has made a large number of helpful and informative videos about prostate cancer, though one important thing to bear in mind is that he is based in the USA.

and the other is that he's very anti prostatectomy (although I have sympathy with some of the issues he raises here). Prostatectomy won't be relevant here though.

Edited by member 17 Jun 2024 at 20:50  | Reason: Not specified

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