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Caveject injections

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 09:55

Hi, I'm 8 months post op, 54 yrs old, I've tried Viagra and tadalafil but they both give me real bad heartburn, so the hospital have now given me Caveject injection to trial, I've only tried it once in the last few weeks as I had only been given one sample and had to wait for the prescription to go through. It has not worked yet but I was told to try for a least 8 times before moving on with something else. I have one side of my nerves spared but have not had any luck as yet, is it still really early days and the nerves are still repairing ? I'm using the pump every other day for 6 mins for rehab. Perhaps I just need to be a little more patient as I also had issues with leakage for the first 8 weeks after the op and I wasn't very patient then but the leaking is very minimal now with just one pad per day. Thanks Rob

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 13:44

Hi Rob,

I had a non nerving sparing prostatectomy almost 16 months ago.  About six months post op I tried Caverject, it didn't work. I was then prescribed  Invicorp, which did. The erections are about 80% as good as pre op.

What I've found is if you've had to join the Prick a d*ck Club. The injection technique is vital. I'll attach a conversation that goes into this in greater detail.

Don't give up mate, injections do work.





Edited by member 16 Jun 2024 at 13:49  | Reason: Link

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 15:43
I have Caverject and started with 2.5mcg injections that didn't work but now used 5mcg and as long as I am in the mood and stimulated (maybe a bit of video) then it works fine.

I have found that being in the right mood is all important. Just injecting it does not produce the results unaided.

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 15:53

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Rob,

I had a non nerving sparing prostatectomy almost 16 months ago.  About six months post op I tried Caverject, it didn't work. I was then prescribed  Invicorp, which did. The erections are about 80% as good as pre op.

What I've found is if you've had to join the Prick a d*ck Club. The injection technique is vital. I'll attach a conversation that goes into this in greater detail.

Don't give up mate, injections do work.


Prick a d*ck Club (lol)

Many thanks for the link, I will carry on with them and hope to see some improvement soon. 


Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 22:36
The way caverject works it is unlikely to fail provided you are using the correct technique AND the correct dose. It's definitely worth persevering with and I credit it with sorting out my man dept so well I don't need any chemical assistance these days.

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Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 13:44

Hi Rob,

I had a non nerving sparing prostatectomy almost 16 months ago.  About six months post op I tried Caverject, it didn't work. I was then prescribed  Invicorp, which did. The erections are about 80% as good as pre op.

What I've found is if you've had to join the Prick a d*ck Club. The injection technique is vital. I'll attach a conversation that goes into this in greater detail.

Don't give up mate, injections do work.





Edited by member 16 Jun 2024 at 13:49  | Reason: Link

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 15:43
I have Caverject and started with 2.5mcg injections that didn't work but now used 5mcg and as long as I am in the mood and stimulated (maybe a bit of video) then it works fine.

I have found that being in the right mood is all important. Just injecting it does not produce the results unaided.

Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 15:53

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Rob,

I had a non nerving sparing prostatectomy almost 16 months ago.  About six months post op I tried Caverject, it didn't work. I was then prescribed  Invicorp, which did. The erections are about 80% as good as pre op.

What I've found is if you've had to join the Prick a d*ck Club. The injection technique is vital. I'll attach a conversation that goes into this in greater detail.

Don't give up mate, injections do work.


Prick a d*ck Club (lol)

Many thanks for the link, I will carry on with them and hope to see some improvement soon. 


Posted 16 Jun 2024 at 22:36
The way caverject works it is unlikely to fail provided you are using the correct technique AND the correct dose. It's definitely worth persevering with and I credit it with sorting out my man dept so well I don't need any chemical assistance these days.

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