I saw this on the site earlier this year:
Is it realistic to think not rushing into anything and taking a year and reevaluating where things are, or the Doctor's just going to focus on my one outlier of 4+4(only 8% tissue) and tell me I need to start treatment. The study I found reported in The Journal of Urology titled Most Gleason 8 Biopsies are downgraded at Prostatectomy - Does 4+4 =7.
Also study Urol Oncol. 2020 Titled Should all prostate needle biopsy Gleason score 4+4=8 prostate cancers be high risk? Found after prostatectomy that if patients had 3 predictive factors that associated with downgrading in almost
60% of patients that had 4+4. One, that < or = 2
biopsy cores of 4+4. Two, < or = 50% maximal
tumor involvement of the cores demonstrating 4+4, and third the presence of a Gleason pattern 3 in separate biopsy cores. The probability of downgrading increased when combinations of these factors were present. I fit that in my pathology report so l am hesitant to run off screaming I have Gleason 8. It was only in one core minimally and I