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Radium 223 stage

Posted 19 Jun 2024 at 14:58

Hi everyone

My 82 year old dad has just found out that his cancer is no longer responding to hormone therapy and has spread to his bones.  His oncologist has put him on pain patches and put him forward for Radium 223 treatment with an appt to go back to see oncologist in 3 months.

Mum and Dad are both seemingly coping with this but although we knew right from the start (about 2 years ago) that the cancer was in the bones in the pelvic area so non operable and therefore incurable, they are shocked by the spread and worried about the Radium treatment and prognosis from this point on.

What I would like to know is how best to support them through this stage - I've asked Dad if he wants to do anything that he hasn't done yet whilst he is still able to, suggested that they contact MacMillan to get those contacts in place ready for when he will need them but is there anything else I can do?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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