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Surgery or radiotherapy???

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 15:17

Hi there,

I am 78 and have been offered surgery or radiotherapy and don’t know which to choose!!

Any advice would be great.

As advised by another member to do so, my results are:-

PSA 7.1


Biopsies taken 28

Biopsies containing cancer 23

Gleason 4+5=9


T stage at diagnosis T3b

N stage at diagnosis NO

Was thinking the surgery route, but concerned about controlling urination as one sphincter will be removed, as the days have gone by I am now thinking more towards radiotherapy.

Any advice, thoughts would be appreciated.






Edited by member 03 Jul 2024 at 20:33  | Reason: More information

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 15:35
At 78 I would probably opt for the radiotherapy as recovery from the surgery might be more problematic at your age. I chose surgery at age 63 and have no regrets but I know that people prefer the RT as they get older.

In most cases the outcomes are the same (curative).

Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 09:19

What was your last psa and gleason score - also staging ?

You might get more answers if you provide this information  

Doing nothing is also an option 

Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 12:32

75 is the usual cut off for prostatectomy. Recovery becomes more difficult the further you are above around age 70, obviously with some variation for current state of health.

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 01:52

It's impossible for anyone here to say without more information.

I was initially offered the same choice at age 76 but when scans indicated spread outside the prostate, RT/HT became the path chosen for me. Seems to have worked well for me.


Posted 02 Jul 2024 at 11:41

Hi Brachytherapy could be ok if you numbers are good , had it at 70 and at 78 doing well.


Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 20:43

Thank you for your message, as mentioned I have now updated my post with the information.

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 20:50

Thank you so much for your message and information. I wish you well.

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 20:52

Thank you for your input and I wish you well.

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 20:54

I’m glad it worked well for you and thank you for your input.

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 20:55

Glad you are doing well and thank you for your input.

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 21:35

Hi TCP, your diagnosis is almost identical to mine, though I was 53 and my PSA was 25. Surgery was ruled out for me as my T3b was growing outside the prostate. I had HDR brachy, EBRT and two years of HT. Though only your clinicians know your details, I would consider surgery unlikely to be totally successful, and the recovery from surgery at 78 to be difficult. So RT should be very high on your list of choices.

Anyone with cancer is wise not to think about a cure, but more about how many years they are pushing the cancer back. Realistically you only need to push this cancer back about 10 years. It's six years since my treatment and all is going well so far. 


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