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Becoming a bit of a nuisance

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 17:43

So it's been fifteen months since I was diagnosed and treatment began with the three monthly injections. I am to old for the operation and have had too many past health issues for radiotherapy.

I am however fortunate that my PSA has dropped to the level that the consultant is happy with. I do not have too many side effects and the hot sweats only seem to be more often a summer thing. My wife has had breast cancer diagnosed about the same time so we have been regular hospital attendees what with my wife's chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She has suffered far more than I have but has braved the effects of the chemotherapy and we have been there for each other.

I have though one issue that is, though not health wise, still a bit of a nuisance. My trousers keep falling down. Yes I am serious no matter how I tighten my belt they still fall down. At 78 everything about my body seemed to be going south anyway but

these injections have increased the process considerably. My wife in her infinite wisdom suggested that I super glue them to myself but I ignored her obvious advise at humour.

I thought that I had it figured out by purchasing a pair of bracers and in the winter when I wear a jumper over my T-shirt they work but in the summer it's a no go as they do not feel comfortable against the skin. Does anyone else have this problem.


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 21:09

Well we have had three days of summer so only about one more day to go until winter (the nights are already drawing in). I think you're just going to have to wear a vest, the bracers over the top, and you may as well top it off with a knotted handkerchief on your head. Then back to the overcoat by the weekend.


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 18:11

Elasticated waistband trousers/ joggers   ? 

Very touched by you and your wife battling on also I am a big fan of BlueRoan Cocker spaniels 

Our beautiful Blue Roan Charlie died a couple of years ago 


Edited by member 25 Jun 2024 at 18:15  | Reason: Not specified

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Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 18:11

Elasticated waistband trousers/ joggers   ? 

Very touched by you and your wife battling on also I am a big fan of BlueRoan Cocker spaniels 

Our beautiful Blue Roan Charlie died a couple of years ago 


Edited by member 25 Jun 2024 at 18:15  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 18:19

Yes that's why the name Blueroan. We had a Blueroan cocker he died when he was ten. You never forget them. We had a narrow boat built and named it Blueroan

Thanks for the help. Tried joggers but they also fall down.

Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 18:29

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
 My trousers keep falling down. Does anyone else have this problem.

I'm the opposite mate. My waist line is increasing. I often joke with the wife, as I'm struggling to get into my jeans, about having cancer but not having any of the benefits ( meaning weight loss.) 🙂


Posted 25 Jun 2024 at 21:09

Well we have had three days of summer so only about one more day to go until winter (the nights are already drawing in). I think you're just going to have to wear a vest, the bracers over the top, and you may as well top it off with a knotted handkerchief on your head. Then back to the overcoat by the weekend.


Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 14:08
Braces didn't do Larry King any harm and became a sort of signature statement just like the oversize handkerchief Pavarotti used to wave arround. You could become a trend blazer!
Posted 26 Jun 2024 at 14:10

That would be a new one for me Barry.

"A trend blazer" sounds good 😊😊😊


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