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PSA level rise 50 to 80

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 07:54

Hello to cut a long story short a couple of months ago we were told my husband’s PSA level and scans showed his cancer was spreading again. He was having Degarelix via injection every 4 weeks. Dr said they would also put him on a fairly new tablet Xtandi x4 daily as well as the injection. If they worked he had 2-3 yrs, if they didn’t then he had months. After the 1st month his PSA had halved and we were delighted. This month they have gone up again as above. Not as high as they were before starting the tablets but he has to have more scans. I’m desperate for any information, does this mean they aren’t working? He won’t discuss it with me and he refuses to tell our 3 grown up children. Thank you.

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 09:26
It's never good news when PSA goes up but you haven't said what other treatments he has had? Is he able to have chemo therapy? They may also target any problematic lesions with Radio therapy if they are identified by the scan.

So it's not great news but he does still have a few options.

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 10:19


That is a big rise in a month and always worrying but don't despair,I presume your husband was put on enzalutamide if so he should have the option to switch to apalutamide it's sister product,please ask your specialist nurse about this option also go on the McMillan website 

I hope this helps regards Phil .

Posted 27 Jun 2024 at 11:32

I would ask about switching to Abiraterone - it works in a different way from the *utamides, so it might have a better chance of working for longer given you know that Enzalutamide has likely failed.

In the UK, you aren't officially allowed to switch if the drug isn't working, only if you have unacceptable side effects in the first 3 months. However, since you are in the first 3 months, your oncologist might be able to wangle that through.

Edited by member 27 Jun 2024 at 11:47  | Reason: Not specified

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