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Hi - Stage MRI results require biopsy

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 13:20

Hi everyone, I have recently heard from the hospital that the MRI I had has shown a few areas of concern on my prostate that require a biopsy for further analysis/conformation. I can't recall the full details of the conversation but the person on the phone did mention a 3 and a 5.  My research shows a 5 is a pretty good indicator of the journey I am on. I am based in Wales and she mentioned a waiting time of 8 weeks before the biopsy can be done.

She also said if it was cancer it was contained within the prostate.

I'm a 57 year old family man with two kids. I'm going to be trawling through all your posts to try and get my head around this and so thought it would be polite to say hello :) 


Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 14:56

Many people that have a positive diagnosis have it found via a random PSA possible indication when they have no symptoms. I suggest you ask to be copied into all two way correspondence between your GP and your hospital. You can establisg a record of your situation and progress by doing this and if you show details under your profile, it helps members have a better idea of where you are thereby enabling better replies. Just click on the avatar of regular posters and you will see what I mean. It's helpful that any salient points are recorded there as details posted in threads or what they refer to as 'conversations' on this forum, tend to get lost over time whereas the Profile/Bio is a readily found sourse of a patient's diagnosis and histology.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2024 at 02:17  | Reason: spelling

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 13:20

Hi everyone, I have recently heard from the hospital that the MRI I had has shown a few areas of concern on my prostate that require a biopsy for further analysis/conformation. I can't recall the full details of the conversation but the person on the phone did mention a 3 and a 5.  My research shows a 5 is a pretty good indicator of the journey I am on. I am based in Wales and she mentioned a waiting time of 8 weeks before the biopsy can be done.

She also said if it was cancer it was contained within the prostate.

I'm a 57 year old family man with two kids. I'm going to be trawling through all your posts to try and get my head around this and so thought it would be polite to say hello :) 


Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 13:40

Hello mate.

Sorry to hear that you're having problems but I'm glad you've found us and joined the forum.

As you are probably aware the MRI is only an indicator that there maybe something untoward. The biopsy will shed far more light on the situation.

You're now on the waiting game until you get the procedure and results.

The good news is that if it is anything of concern it appears to be be contained within the prostate.

What is you PSA?

Please keep us updated.


Posted 05 Jul 2024 at 10:12
No, it will make no difference. Prostate cancer is slow growing and won't change significantly over 2-3 months.
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Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 13:40

Hello mate.

Sorry to hear that you're having problems but I'm glad you've found us and joined the forum.

As you are probably aware the MRI is only an indicator that there maybe something untoward. The biopsy will shed far more light on the situation.

You're now on the waiting game until you get the procedure and results.

The good news is that if it is anything of concern it appears to be be contained within the prostate.

What is you PSA?

Please keep us updated.


Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 14:13

You know all I can remember is that they said is was raised! From now on I will be paying a lot more attention to what I am told by medical staff.  I do feel quite lucky in that I hadn't been to the doctor in over 10 years and mentioned this in a random conversation with my dad and brother who put the phone in my hand and said ring for a wellman check now. It gives me a chance to get things sorted out. 

Posted 03 Jul 2024 at 14:56

Many people that have a positive diagnosis have it found via a random PSA possible indication when they have no symptoms. I suggest you ask to be copied into all two way correspondence between your GP and your hospital. You can establisg a record of your situation and progress by doing this and if you show details under your profile, it helps members have a better idea of where you are thereby enabling better replies. Just click on the avatar of regular posters and you will see what I mean. It's helpful that any salient points are recorded there as details posted in threads or what they refer to as 'conversations' on this forum, tend to get lost over time whereas the Profile/Bio is a readily found sourse of a patient's diagnosis and histology.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2024 at 02:17  | Reason: spelling

Posted 05 Jul 2024 at 10:08

Thanks for your replies. I received a letter yesterday saying I am to have a transperineal prostate biopsy under general anesthesia. There were no dates of any appointments. I wonder if paying £2000 to get this done privately in two weeks time instead of waiting the 8 weeks would reduce the chances of waiting for a procedure so long it could spread from the prostate to other parts.


Posted 05 Jul 2024 at 10:12
No, it will make no difference. Prostate cancer is slow growing and won't change significantly over 2-3 months.
Posted 05 Jul 2024 at 12:46
Thank you Steve. That's reassuring to hear.
Posted 11 Jul 2024 at 15:46

Good luck with the biopsy. I had mine done yesterday under local anaesthetic which wasn't the most pleasant experience. They scheduled mine within 10 days of the mri. 

Posted 18 Jul 2024 at 15:22

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

She also said if it was cancer it was contained within the prostate.

I was also told this by the urologist who reviewed my MRI scan results but the biopsy has come back showing higher grade cancer (Gleason score 8 - 4+4) and now I have to have further scans to see if and how far it has spread.

Hopefully they have got yours correct


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