Hi Emma, That's a disappointing appointment. A 6cm lesion is quite large. It would be interesting to know what the size of the one in the prostate is. The psa of 10.6 seems quite low and could normally be produced by a single one around 1.5cm with a psa of 4+4. Mine was 1.3cm, gleason 4+4 with a psa of 9.9. We're all different though.
My prostate was quoted in mm not cm. Is there any chance they said mm. The higher the Gleason the more psa is given out. There is a formula somewhere on line relating psa density and gleason.
It might feel academic but seeking to refine the diagnosis might open a few more options and it can make you feel there is more you can achieve.
Another person on here wasn't keen on using diet to see if it helped. But said he might try it as it gives a feeling of some control. The diet options are claimed to perhaps slow it down. Keto diet is one, but the full thing is a bit much.
Also I've only told a couple of people and decided I'd only tell more if things became obvious. I don't want people reminding me or my wife. Although in theory I haven't got it but my psa has been slowly rising.
I don't know if you use YouTube but there are lots of videos about treatments and diet. Scholz and Geo do a lot of prostate videos. Being American they often speak like cost isn't a problem whereas in the UK options aren't offered as much and the drugs often have a different name. I haven't put Dr in front of their names as the posts can get blocked.
Let us know when you have the Oncologist appointment, regards Peter