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Caverject average?

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 10:45

Hi all, 

It's been a year after nerve sparing prostatectomy, tried both types of erection pills but nothing. Now I've been prescribed caverject injection, had 2 injections of 0.50 & 0.75 but just got a painful semi.

Obviously everyone's different but how much do you use to get a useable hard on? Going to try a full 1mg when the wind blows the correct way & health ain't too sore .... joys of fibromyalgia & arthritis. It's ironic that every other joint is stiffer than the joint I want stiff 😬

Edited by member 09 Jul 2024 at 22:26  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 15:39
They are mcg not mg but I know what you mean :)

What I have found with caverject is that you have to be in the mood, aroused and with some manipulation. Just injecting it and expecting a fully functional erection doesn't work (for me anyway). With 2.5mcg which the nurse started me with, it was just a semi - at home I upped it to 5mcg and got a fully usable erection for about 15 minutes. I haven't gone any higher as it was verging on the painful at 5 and it was definitely usable.

The alternative would be Invicorp which others have found better - but caverject does work but does need a bit of assistance and being aroused will likely help you.

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 15:47

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

It's ironic that other every joint is stiffer than the joint I want stiff 😬

"Keep a stiff upper lip, old boy." 🙂

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 21:14

Hi Dry Guy,

I have previously tried 5mcg., 10mcg, 20 mcg. of Alprostadil ("Caverject" or "Viridal Duo") and am now taking 40mcg (which I believe is the highest dose available).  Strangely, the highest dose does not cause me any more discomfort than the 5mcg. dose.  Weird.

I find the 40mcg. dose gives me a strong erection for about 45 minutes.  I can still use it for about another 45 minutes, but it's not as hard.  After the full hour and a half, my penis is no longer useable for penetration.

Incidentally, I prefer the "Viridal Duo" formulation just because I find it easier to administer.

The main problem I have now is that it is often out of stock 😞.

Best wishes,


Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 12:36

Dry Gin , firstly I supposedly had non nerve sparing surgery. I have had an "on off" situation with caverject, I used it on a regular basis with good results for a couple of years but then hit a mental block about injecting my penis. I did comment that regular use of caverject was helping my natural recovery but it was dismissed on here by some members. My flaccid penis is very much recovered since surgery 10 years ago but despite some early signs, I doubt I will ever recover natural erections, as I said I was supposedly non nerve sparing.

On starting to use caverject again I found it to produce a reason useable result. The penis went soft after my orgasm but a few minutes later started swell again, with even better results that was at first achieved. I wonder if the pressure to perform can have a negative effect. Although supposedly not required, I and a few others on here have commented that stimulation greatly improves the size of the swelling.

Never give up and have fun finding a solution.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 19:20

When I first started using it (partial nerve sparing surgery) the doc said use 20. I found this worked to well (rock hard and painful) so through trial and error I found the sweet spot was actually about 2.5. BUT stimulation definitely helps, stressing about it definitely doesn't!

Probably best to play on your own to start with to see what is the minimum you can get away with. Trying to stab your knob while in the heat of the moment definitely counts as stressful!

Forget to add after 9 years I no longer need anything apart from a quality cock ring so I am convinced they help rehab.

Edited by member 10 Jul 2024 at 19:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 19:33

Dry Gin,I think I normally used no more than the 7.5mcg dose. The most recent use I did set the dial to 10 but probably only injected around 8 or 9.

My first swelling probably lasted 30 minutes and the second revived swelling probably lasted a little longer but it wasn't being used, but it did the mental health alot of good to have this very swollen penis in my pants.

I refrain from using the word erection because even if fully swollen it doesn't stand to attention.


Thanks Chris 

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Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 15:39
They are mcg not mg but I know what you mean :)

What I have found with caverject is that you have to be in the mood, aroused and with some manipulation. Just injecting it and expecting a fully functional erection doesn't work (for me anyway). With 2.5mcg which the nurse started me with, it was just a semi - at home I upped it to 5mcg and got a fully usable erection for about 15 minutes. I haven't gone any higher as it was verging on the painful at 5 and it was definitely usable.

The alternative would be Invicorp which others have found better - but caverject does work but does need a bit of assistance and being aroused will likely help you.

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 15:47

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

It's ironic that other every joint is stiffer than the joint I want stiff 😬

"Keep a stiff upper lip, old boy." 🙂

Posted 09 Jul 2024 at 21:14

Hi Dry Guy,

I have previously tried 5mcg., 10mcg, 20 mcg. of Alprostadil ("Caverject" or "Viridal Duo") and am now taking 40mcg (which I believe is the highest dose available).  Strangely, the highest dose does not cause me any more discomfort than the 5mcg. dose.  Weird.

I find the 40mcg. dose gives me a strong erection for about 45 minutes.  I can still use it for about another 45 minutes, but it's not as hard.  After the full hour and a half, my penis is no longer useable for penetration.

Incidentally, I prefer the "Viridal Duo" formulation just because I find it easier to administer.

The main problem I have now is that it is often out of stock 😞.

Best wishes,


Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 10:55

Thanks Steve for reply, tried twice with 7.5mcg but only got a not as painful semi, but definitely in the mood after 2 years of hell.

I were no better with 7.5 than I were in the urology visit with 5?

Frustrated as hell!

Thanks again 👍👍

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 11:01

Thanks Jedsee for the reply, it's good to hear that higher dose works, gonna try a full vial which will be 10mcg....hope it works.

Will caverject help in the long run by getting natural erections?

Thanks again mate 👍👍

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 12:36

Dry Gin , firstly I supposedly had non nerve sparing surgery. I have had an "on off" situation with caverject, I used it on a regular basis with good results for a couple of years but then hit a mental block about injecting my penis. I did comment that regular use of caverject was helping my natural recovery but it was dismissed on here by some members. My flaccid penis is very much recovered since surgery 10 years ago but despite some early signs, I doubt I will ever recover natural erections, as I said I was supposedly non nerve sparing.

On starting to use caverject again I found it to produce a reason useable result. The penis went soft after my orgasm but a few minutes later started swell again, with even better results that was at first achieved. I wonder if the pressure to perform can have a negative effect. Although supposedly not required, I and a few others on here have commented that stimulation greatly improves the size of the swelling.

Never give up and have fun finding a solution.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 18:54

Thanks Chris for your reply.

How much do you use to get a good erection? I'm just hoping that I'm still using a small amount and the average norm is greater amount than I am using.

Some of it could be psychosomatic as it's been a couple of years since I jumped off the wardrobe, my health ain't great, getting worse....hellish pain also its in my mind that the first time I used it there were air in the syringe.

Also I don't feel as confident because I've lost a lot of size and girth 😬

Thanks again mate 👍👍

Edited by member 10 Jul 2024 at 18:58  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 19:20

When I first started using it (partial nerve sparing surgery) the doc said use 20. I found this worked to well (rock hard and painful) so through trial and error I found the sweet spot was actually about 2.5. BUT stimulation definitely helps, stressing about it definitely doesn't!

Probably best to play on your own to start with to see what is the minimum you can get away with. Trying to stab your knob while in the heat of the moment definitely counts as stressful!

Forget to add after 9 years I no longer need anything apart from a quality cock ring so I am convinced they help rehab.

Edited by member 10 Jul 2024 at 19:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 19:32

Thanks Francij for your reply, wow your doctor set you off on a high dose of 20 & you trimmed it low to 2.5

Suppose we are all different, hopefully a full 10mcg vial will work for me

Thanks again mate 👍👍

Posted 10 Jul 2024 at 19:33

Dry Gin,I think I normally used no more than the 7.5mcg dose. The most recent use I did set the dial to 10 but probably only injected around 8 or 9.

My first swelling probably lasted 30 minutes and the second revived swelling probably lasted a little longer but it wasn't being used, but it did the mental health alot of good to have this very swollen penis in my pants.

I refrain from using the word erection because even if fully swollen it doesn't stand to attention.


Thanks Chris 

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