Hi all, appreciate any advice on the below. I’m G9 with local spread diagnosed Dec 23 responding well to front loaded HT and CT. Last CT session is this Monday. Presenting PSA 31 down to 0.24 as of yesterday.
My Oncologist had consented me for RT post CT to the prostate, 2 x very small pelvic wall lymph nodes and 2 very small pelvis bone hotspots. He’s treating me with curative/radical intent although I am incurable.
He changed the plan yesterday after speaking with colleagues advising me only the prostate would be radiated. Risk of bowel toxicity if he hits the lymph nodes and risk of insufficiency fracture with the bones was his reasoning.
He explained I could potentially have chronic bone pain if a bone fractures and difficulty walking, reduced quality of life etc. He said you’re currently asymptomatic and play tennis, run, working, really active, what would life look like if you couldn’t do that post RT? Potential bowel issues requiring a stoma bag etc- how would quality of life look?
He showed me recent bone/CT scans comparing to my initial PSMA PET and said he said everything’s shrunk and could barely see the lymph nodes.
My issue is that I want to hit/smash/kill as much of the cancer as possible to prevent recurrence regardless of whether it’s detectable on a scan or not. I feel like I’ve suddenly been switched to a non-curative pathway (but I know I can’t be cured-weird I know). Equally I understand the quality of life point and going from hero to zero activity wise would be very difficult to deal with especially being unable to play/wrestle with my two 7 and 8 year old boys.
Has anyone been faced with this issue. I’ve re-consented to just the prostate RT in mid August but am agonising about the decision. All feedback appreciated.