Hello mate.
I'm sorry that you've had to find us, but I'm pleased that you have. Welcome to the forum.
I can't really add anything to what Steve has said. You are bound to feel nervous, we've all been nervous. Your consultation is very soon and you will be told exactly what your biopsy results were. Whatever the results, we'll be here to help you and reassure you.
As you are probably aware Adenocarcinoma of the prostate means prostate cancer, which is very common. The biopsy results will show whether cancer has been detected and if so how 'strong' it is.
I'm on the NHS app now, but wasn't when I was first diagnosed, so I can't comment on why there has been an entry made on your records. IF as you suspect, its because the biopsy found cancer, I think it's completely out of order that you found it without being told first.
As Steve said your PSA levels are relatively low and your MRI results appear to be good. This bodes well, and your enlarged prostate, elevated PSA and frequent urination at night could be due to other non cancerous prostate conditions.
I know its difficult, especically as your dad and uncle had it, but try not to worry. My dad and younger brother had the disease, so I do understand the added anxiety this can cause.
Please keep us updated.
Best of luck.
Edited by member 13 Jul 2024 at 21:48
| Reason: Additional text